Joan Soler-Adillon || MouTe





MouTe is a small piece of software built with max/msp/jitter. It is a computer-vision capturing system to be interfaced with other programs, such as Processing or other jitter applications.

MouTe is a made-up word derived from the Catalan verb in imperative form mou-te, which means move.

MouTe a019 is a prerelease of an in-progress project to create a simple but fully functional capturing system for learning environments and art-project sketching.

MouTe, in any of its versions, is currently copyrighted, but it is distributed free of charge. The author would very much appreciate notifications of its uses. Contributors will be also very welcome.

MouTe a019 is an alpha version of the software. It is released "as is". The author explicitly declines any responsibility and does not offer any warranty regarding its functionality and use by third parties. At its current stage, it is not yet intended for general use.

MouTe a019 needs QuickTime installed on your computer in order to work properly. QT PRO is needed for recording functionality.






Made with MouTe + Processing:




Older releases:

  • MouTe v. a013 (released november 7th 2010): PC / MAC
  • MouTe v. a012 (released may 6th 2010; pc only)

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: To work properly, MouTe a012 needs you to have Quicktime installed on your computer (QT Pro to use the recording feature). As of this version, MouTe works only with Quicktime versions up to 7.6.2, not with later ones, due to some incompatibility issue with Max 4.6/Jitter 1.6. You can download Quicktime 7.6.2 here.


© Joan Soler-Adillon, 2009-2012.